Sunday, July 26, 2009

Another Set of State Mottos!

It's been a while and I have some downtime, so I thought I'd do another State Mottos list:

AL: Where the South will rise again! See your ads from Winn-Dixie for more information
AK: Really, if we melted, we'd be the size of Vermont.
AZ: We're the state with a "Z" in the name.
AR: Yankee! Give me your stimulus money, THEN go home!
CA: We may be broke, but we look gooooood doin' it.
CO: Rockies Schmockies. What we want is some air.
CT: We just sound expensive, don't we?
DE: It's happening here... somewhere. We think.
D.C. When in doubt, make a monument.
FL: Where pastel colors go to die
GA: Had it not happened during the State Fair, we coulda beat Sherman.
HI: Our history involves a lot of grass skirts and coconut shells.
ID: We go all the way to Canada. See? Look!
IL: Still a little sore at Mrs. O'Leary's cow.
IN: We're really not all that interested in surfing
IA: We're into CrazyFarming!
KS: We're not flat. There are areas that are positively undulating.
KY: Where the Corn Mash Still is the state Icon
LA: We like to build large cities in marshy tidal basins and wait for hurricanes to come.
ME: Shoulda been one-a the Original 13.
MD: Long history of stuff and things.
MA: If you look at us upside down, we kinda look like a bottle opener
MI: Automotive industry started here. Ironic, that.
MS: Our state name sorta stutters there for a bit
MO: St. Louis! Home of Really Bad Beer!
MT: We're mean enough to get away with a capitol named Helena.
NE: At least we're not as boring as Star Wars Episode I
NV: Yes, that's legal here. That, too. And that.
NH: President Franklin Pierce was from here. Remember him? Yeah, didn't think so.
NJ: In. Your. Face.
NM: Neither Canada or Denmark have any claim on us. Or France. Definitely not France.
NY: Just West of the City, it's like another whole universe.
NC: Our Northern border is a pretty good straight line.
ND: If you were to switch us with South Dakota, no one would notice.
OH: We try.
OK: Keeping Texas from attacking Kansas since 1907
OR: Some very cool people live here
PA: Where the fast moving 21st century and the horse buggies of the 19th century meet.
RI: Are you sure we're just not someone's backyard?
SC: Making enough Sweet Tea to make 95% of America go into diabetic shock.
SD: Tough to make a state when most of it is made up of "Badlands".
TN: Elvis is ALIVE! We feel it in our very souls!
TX: We never get tired of hearing us talk.
UT: Proof that a state can exist without water
VT: Ever questioning the decision to stop being an independent republic and becoming a state
VA: That's SAINT Robert E. Lee to you!
WA: Beautiful. Rugged. Really, really wet.
WV: Just like any other state. Just without teeth.
WI: Where "Cheesehead" is a term of endearment
WY: Look! We're a square!

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