Sunday, June 14, 2009

I thought I'd resurrect the State motto thing again. I think my brain needs a leash.

AL: Bubba slept here
AK: We're freakin' HEE-UGE
AZ: In a land that's completely inhabitable, we built Phoenix.
AR: We don't have accents here. Y'all do. So there.
CA: Yeah, we're just weird like that.
CO: The snow. Never. Leaves. Ever.
CT: We live with Quaint on a daily basis.
DE: We have a very rich history of doing stuff you've never heard about.
FL: Those aren't really the Everglades. We're just sinking.
GA: Quit laughin' at us.
HI: People come from all over to have Heat Stroke here.
ID: We're the buffer state that keeps Washington and Montana from starting a war with each other.
IL: If you look closely, our state kinda looks like an arrowhead. Cool, huh?
IN: Of all the Flyover States, we're the most Flyoverer.
IA: We follow Indiana on the Alphabetical List of States.
KS: That whole Wizard of Oz thing is real. We just know it.
KY: Hillbilly isn't an option. It's genetic.
ME: Rest easy, America. We're keepin' a sharp eye on that suspicious Nova Scotia.
MD: Annapolis. Where we train boys to become squids.
MA: We have that cool looking Cape Cod curly cue goin' for us.
MI: We've got more Great Lakes than anybody.
MN: We just barely survived the last Ice Age.
MS: Da ejuwkashun stayt.
MO: We're one of the fifty states.
MT: We're not just Big Sky Country, we're Big Dirt Country, too. 
NE: If nowhere had a middle, we'd be it.
NV: It's like we're this great big Sandbox of the US.
NH: Don't get us confused with Hampshire, which is in another country altogether.
NJ: The Statue of Liberty is OURS.
NM: Honestly, we don't have ranches here. We just fenced off large tracts of desert.
NY: You mean there are other states besides us?
NC: We're North Carolina, but, technically, we're still in the South. Mmmkay?
ND: They made a state but forgot to furnish it with anything.
OH: It's like we're saying, "Hi" between two big O's.
OK: We're the only state that has the initials that are just OK.
OR: It's where the cool people live.
PA: The Amish are coming! The Amish are coming!
RI: All thirty of us invite you to visit our state.
SC: We're much smaller than Alaska.
SD: We actually stopped being a state back in 1924, but no one noticed.
TN: A proud history of Elvis mania.
TX: We're big, we're overheated and we're dirty. Kinda like your weird uncle.
UT: Face it, there's just some scary things that happen here.
VT: With a capital named Montpelier, we have to be cool.
VA: We're one of the only two "V" states there are.
WA: Where it's soggy, and we like it!
WV: We give that Appalachian reputation the Oomph!
WI: If you're here, It's Brats and Beer!
WY: If you turn us upside down, we're still shaped like a square.

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